BB11 Has Commenced !!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
The second HM was then joined by was 40 year old ex-soldier Steve. Who sadly at the age of 20 lost and eye and both his legs via a bomb injury while on patrol . My first impression of him was a father figure, and I'm sure with 8 children of his own (JHEEZE) he will be some form of mediator. In addition to that he hates stuck up opinionated people. Which leads onto the third housemate...
... Who was writer and broadcaster Ben. My first impression of this 30 year old HM was 'oh a toffee nosed bastard!'. I mean every year there is someone who appears to be this way, or simply really is. I'm not quite sure what to think of Ben who has appeared in shows such as Ladette To Lady, American Princess and Celebrity Come Dine With Me. He is very well spoken and seems calm, maybe he's just one of those people - like myself who like to kick back and suss out how everyone behaves first, before he really comes out his shell. HOPEFULLY HE DOES !! If there was one luxury item he could take in it would be a 'competent hairdresser and stylist, lucky for him - maybe...

HM number 5 was 25 year old trainee joiner Nathan, who lives with his grandparents AWW !! He claims to love cooking and is a happy-go-lucky type of lad. My first impression was of him was like DAMN those eyebrows, or should I say monobrow - as I'm going to nickname him !! He seems like a real lads lad bar the fact that he once soiled himself on a bus !! I hope for the other HMs sake he doesn't pull and toilet stunts while living in this shared house !! Don't you think his photo looks like a cross between Goldie and Chico !!
Following the soiler Nathan was a Welsh monk dressed, 39 year old minister Dave. Some description hey..? My first sightings of him was 'clown'. It was the way he was giggling and walking towards Davina. In his youth, between the age of 18 and 21 he said he was into drugs. Then on October 1992 he met Jesus and ever since he has been a Christian. The animal lover lives with his four 'lovely' children and a wife of 17 years - WOW. Maybe another father figure in the house. Hopefully not another bible bashing Stephen Baldwin !!

Unlucky number 13 was overly tanned Katie Price lookalike Corin. The 29 year old over-baked who claims her 30G sized breasts rates herself 9 out of 10 on the looks scale. HMMM... not to sure about that, but props on the self-confidence. She strikes me as the type of person that can talk for Queen and country, with the main topic being herself. We shall see about that. I hope they loose some tasks so she can't top up on her fake bake !! HAHA :D

Well 13 brand new housemates and one mole down. I bid you a vert emtional viewing of the last Big Brother. Stay locked here for my Big Brother banter. For more banter feel free to follower me on Twitter @JaeJournal ← IT'S CLICKABLE !!