Pretty Boy Swag Parody
Saturday, August 28, 2010Soulja Boy Parody: Pretty Boy Crack
THIS RIGHT HERE IS MY... usually the missing word would be 'swag', in this case it's crack !! Don't have a clue what I'm talking about..? You'll have to read on, but to sum things up for you: Last week Soulja Boy (who is following me on twitter @JaesJournal) was caught in a scandal where he was at a motel with legendary whore Kat Stacks who spoke of him snorting crack and also having sex with her. DAMN... another rapper caught. Then again would you call Soulja a rapper..? She's also claiming he messed with her unprotected on her twitter and is she's pregnant she's on a 'have a baby by me be a millionaire' tip. ANYWAY... this dude on twitter @KingBach created a parody and uploaded it a couple hours ago and it's taken the net by storm. It's called the obvious, 'Pretty Boy Crack'. Enjoy :)