If there's any track that shouldn't have been touch by T-Pain's autotuned voice, it has to be the legendary 'P.Y.T (Pretty Young Thing)' by the legendary Michael Jackson !! YES... this is real, maybe even a nightmare to some !! The 'I'm Sprung' singer, has teamed up with Robin Thicke'sbeautiful voice on a re-interpretation of the well known song. This comes about as various artists including Mary J. Blige,Tyrese Gibson,Ludacrisand Usher- just to name a few; re-interpret songs associated with all round producer Quincy Jones. Upon hearing about this collaboration, I didn't think much of it, until I heard how T-Pain spoiled it !! CHECKING... it out myself, it's not as bad as people are making it out to be. However, it really should have been left alone, or at least T-Pain should have left it alone !! Robin sounds great on the track, but you don't hear him until the second half, by which most would have stopped playing the track. The track can be found on the Quincy Jones tribute album, Q Soul Bossa Nostra. Have a listen, and drop a line on your views..