It's Been A While...

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Back Again For The 4th Time !!

It's been a while, I must say. Yes I'm pulling out the 'busy' card again, but what else can I say it's the truth. Just to give you an update, I finished that short film course I was doing and the final piece was premiered at the BFI (British Film Instistute). Which is a MAJOR deal, especially for filmakers in the UK. SO... if I want to get into the filming thing, I'm already on my way with that pretty AWESOME achievement !! 

Also I've been busying myself with my contributions to the 5th issue of the Endz2Endz magazine - so look out for that. Other than that, you know what time it is, especially if you live in the UK. Back to school, college and for me back to university.  SO... part of my excuse for neglecting my beloved blog is settling back into education.

ANYWAY... I won't keep going on with my 21 reasons, because I'm sure you want to see some new posts. Stay locked right here, becasue I'm not going anywhere !!

Ja'e ♥

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